How Long Does a Roof Replacement Normally Take?

It can take as little as ONE day to tear off and replace an asphalt shingle roof. If it is a clear, hot, summer day, then a roofing crew of 5-6 can tear off and replace a 40 square asphalt shingle roof in a single day (a square is roofing terminology for shingles.)

When it comes to disruptions, it’s often common for many homeowners to ask – how long does it take to replace a roof? 

Let us answer that question.

The time it takes to replace a roof depends on several factors. Such factors include:

  • Type of roofing materials used. 

Roofing materials are different in type and style. Common roofing types include wood shakes, synthetic slate, flat roof, concrete tile, steel sheets, asphalt shingles, and natural slate. 

Type of roofing materials

Average replacement (days)

Wood shakes 

3 – 4

Synthetic Slate

3 – 5

Flat roof

2 – 3

Concrete Tile

8 – 9

Steel sheets

3 – 4

Asphalt shingles

1 – 2

Natural Slate

6 – 7

For the estimation above, the crew size considered is of five people and the area considered is 35-40 sq. ft. All other conditions, such as availability of materials, inspection time, weather, and so on have been favorably considered. 


  • If the roofing is being replaced during cold weather, additional steps are necessary that require additional time. 
  • It’s also highly recommended not to replace roofing during rain or snow, as this type of weather can add to the time it takes to replace the roof.
  • Cold weather can affect how the asphalt shingles stick and seal. According to CertainTeed’s shingle installation bulletin, “Extra care should be taken when handling and/or installing asphalt shingles when the air and surface temperatures are at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.”
  • Snow covered, wet or icy roofs make for hazardous and unsafe working conditions for our roofing crews.



    Certain shingles will take a longer time to install on roofs.  Your choice for underlayment and style of how your shingles are laid can heavily influence how long reshingling will take place. It is also recommended that you keep in touch with your local contractor to know if the roofing materials that you have chosen are readily available.


    The area of your roof and your house will also determine the length of time. On average, your typical residential home in the United States will have an area of 1600 – 1700 square feet. In most cases, your average roof will be reshingled in a span of 2 – 3 days. A roof with double the area that needs to be reshingled will usually take more than a week.

Damaged Structure

     Damage to your roof can often be discovered after ripping off your old roof system. Solutions can be as simple as replacing a single piece of plywood or as complex as removing most of the deck and rebuilding underlying support structures.

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