In Vancouver, Washington homeowners have several options for residential add-ons, additions, and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), each with specific characteristics and regulations. Here are some key variations:
Rural Accessory Dwelling Units (RADUs):
RADUs, also known as granny flats, are small residential units that can be conversions of basements or additions to an existing home in rural areas.
Urban Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs):
Similar to RADUs, Urban ADUs are small residential units in urban settings. They can also be conversions of basements, additions to an existing home, or new backyard buildings.
Cottage Houses:
Cottage houses are separate houses on individual lots, often oriented around a common green space. These are distinct from typical single-family homes or ADUs.
House Additions and Remodels:
This includes extensions or modifications to existing houses, such as second-story additions, dormers, footprint expansions, interior reconfigurations, or house lifts.
Specific permits are required for these additions or remodels. Smaller projects may qualify for a subject-to-field inspection permit.
These constructions must comply with local residential, building, zoning, electrical, land use, environmental, shoreline, and mechanical codes. The Seattle Municipal Code, for instance, limits the size and location of additions based on zoning requirements.
Vancouver , Washington homeowners considering any of these options: it’s crucial to understand the specific regulations and requirements in your locality, as these can vary significantly across different areas in Washington State. Consulting with us at PNW Roofing and Remodeling will provide clarity on what’s feasible for your property and ensure compliance with all relevant codes and regulations. Contact us today for more information.