CONTACT: Jay Sigler
PHONE: (360) 989-0071
Text a House emoji to connect to an expert, offers PNW Roofing and Siding.
Vancouver, WA ( October 14, 2019 ) — PNW Roofing and Siding is introducing an innovative way to reach customers: Text the House emoji to (360) 989-0071. The House emoji takes seconds to send. The client will be connected to an expert and will receive a response. All questions may be answered at once, or over time as the customer schedule allows. PNW Roofing and Siding combined brings over 100 years experience in the construction industry in the Portland and Vancouver area.
“By text, phone, or email, we are open for business,” says Jay Sigler, President of PNW Roofing and Remodeling. “Our customers have very busy lives. We provide same day quotes because we believe in service and convenience.” Jay further said, ” it should be very straight forward, painless, and common sense-based process. Education of the customer is key we do not want people to just “take our word for it” but to be making an educated investment into what is most likely one of their most important assets. “
About PNW Roofing and Remodeling
Jay Sigler previously owned construction companies in the Seattle area. Jay also introduced the first company on the West Coast to offer on-the-spot bids. Jay’s construction company rapidly grew into one of the largest roofing and siding companies on the West Coast, before founding PNW Roofing and Remodeling. Having previously owned one of the largest construction companies in the northwest his team has the experience, resources, and buying power to bring reasonable prices to the area without having to cut corners on quality. The founder Jay Sigler is well experienced having covered multiple natural disasters and working with FEMA. Having years of experience satisfying the requirements of real estate and insurance companies, PNW Roofing and Remodeling offer same day quotes if needed.
For more information contact Jay Sigler, or call (360) 989-0071.